Last weekend my roommate told me about a vintage clothing sale on Saturday. She said people basicaly pay £20.00, get a bag and fill it up with whatever vintage clothing they can get inside. I thought that was brilliant. For a few pounds really I can come home with a whole bag of goodies!
We got there a bit late I would have to say...about 9:30 a.m.
By the time we made our way to the end of the line, we had walked three city blocks.

I decided at that point I didn't need clothes that badly and headed back home empty handed.
My roommate stayed behind to wait in line. She later told me she ended up waiting over two hours, paid her money and didn't get a lot of clothing. She said she would be willing to do it again if she could get there really early in the morning.
I thought it was wonderful that all those individuals were willing to wait in line for over two hours to get second use clothing!
On my way home I did stop at my local second-hand shop. I found a nice little hooded jacket for £2.50 and an Oxford dictionary for £1.50! Happy days!