Design for Elegant Frugality, Sustainable Graphic Design
Trash To Treasure
There is an astonishing amount of trash being thrown in our landfills each year. We are living way beyond our means. In UK alone there is over one tonne of trash being produced annually in each home. (Source: Harrow District Council)
My objective is to design an interactive book with tools and tips to reuse and recycle consumer’s trash and turn it into treasure by creating second-uses for consumer packaging and ways to recycle existing items in the consumer’s homes.
My target audience will be people of all ages and economic backgrounds. I want people to feel confident and empowered that by doing even the small things listed in the book they CAN make a difference in the environment.
The visual style of the interactive book will be simple, vibrant and playful. I want the audience to have fun reading the book and learning how they can help the environment and how easy it can be to make a difference and incorporating their own treasure finds in the process.
I am designing for frugality so my design elements will be by reusing existing items to create my message.