After printing out my first mock up or dummy book, which is 4 inches wide by 6 inches in length. I was not satisfied with the size of the book pertaining to the content. The conversation felt a bit "crunched" in that small of space.
miniature book mock-up

My page layout

4" x 6" page layout of book

I decided upon using a larger format for my book, I do love the shape of a square rather than a confining rectangle. I think 8" x 8", which would give the conversation room to breath and the negative space a place to live happily.
miniature book mock-up

My page layout

4" x 6" page layout of book

I decided upon using a larger format for my book, I do love the shape of a square rather than a confining rectangle. I think 8" x 8", which would give the conversation room to breath and the negative space a place to live happily.
I woke up this morning and was sitting there just playing around with a blank piece of paper and thought it might be cool to have a book that was laid out like a triangle-shape, rather than a square. It seems to me in a conversation between several people feels like a boomerang in that it goes back and forth from a comment or questions to an answer or response to the later.
The triangle feels like a boomerang in a way...just a thought really. I am not sure it fits with my book or not. I think the conversation is interesting enough and the design might take away from the content of the book.
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