Thursday, 19 February 2009

front cover samples...


NATKA said...

It is getting SO nice! What helps me when I work with typography is trying always to do it in black and white/gray scale first, as it rules out the affect of colour on my perception, and makes me concentrate on compositions more. I think that it will come out really funny! I like the B&W most!
Good luck with it!

Mary Anne said...

Thank you. I agree with the black and white type and will be experimenting more with the layout. I just feel I need to get away from the shape of the squirrel and use the typeface more to design. I appreciate all the suggestions you gave me today!

Simon Genesis said...

I must admit i am sooooo liking this squirrel although it looks abit feminine for me, as in terms of the design it works very well with the type. : )