Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Schedule/Timeline for my "Trash To Treasure" project


Saturday 8, 2008
  • Gather all of my notes and findings thus far
  • Work on sketches for project
  • Make a list of second-use items for my project

Monday 10, 2008
  • Document all of my findings
  • Outline and objectives
  • What my concepts will do and promote
  • My target audience
  • How I want the target audience to react
  • My design elements
  • My visual style - personality and tone of voice
  • Schedule to meet deadlines

Tuesday 11 – 19, 2008
  • Look for more support!
  • Continue making contact with companies dealing with recycling and reusing consumer goods

  • Start Playing!
  • Gather second-use items from my list created on Saturday
  • Layouts items and begin physical research on crafting my “treasures”
  • Create mock-ups of items; painting, sketching, cutting out, etcetera
  • Begin my narrative for my project
  • Test
  • Contact Neil about printers he uses for his design work
  • Contact local printers

Tuesday 25 – December 4, 2008
  • Finalize my design piece
  • Set up final printing process

  • Present!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sounds like you are focused on your trash to treasure and timing worked out. So lets see some sketches, layouts to get an idea on the vehicle or what you are thinking of producing. Exciting direction can't wait to see the visuals.
