I have been working on the layouts, but still unsure about the typefaces I am working with. I am using Bodoni for Natalia and created two new typefaces for myself and Gavin. The first page here is the type I am using for Gavin and the second page is the type I created for myself.
I could use some feedback on these typefaces! Are they working?...

I think that considering empty space is also really important, it has its voice too! There is something nice in the gray one although I'd like it more contrasted. nx
Thank you. I do like the negative, or empty space, I think that is why I like the grey one and the "Oh!" page most at the moment.
I will play with the grey, black and white to see how it looks using each color.
I really liked the one with your new typeface, maybe you can play around and introduce other typefaces with it to show contrast!
Gavin is the newest typeface. The one that says, "Ya, Right!", (I think it fits him well), I am the goofy "Hello" typeface and Natalia is the Bodoni. As the conversation goes on the typefaces start to connect more and should be interesting, well I hope! I have a four-page layout with a winding, well looping conversation. I think that will be cool. We will see.
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