Saturday, 24 January 2009

Stage 1 Definition What AM I doing now?

What is the project/problem?

I am to find a subject I am most passionate about and design a book on that subject.

What are my passions/ what am I most passionate about?

At this point in the process I am looking for ideas for my project and need to make a list of my passions and what drives me the most.

(I always like to start with a definition, it's just fun)

passion [pash-uhn] –noun

1.any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
2.strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.
3.strong sexual desire; lust. instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.
5. A person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire.
6.a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything: a passion for music.
7.the object of such a fondness or desire: Accuracy became a passion with him. outburst of strong emotion or feeling: He suddenly broke into a passion of bitter words.
9.violent anger.
10.the state of being acted upon or affected by something external, esp. something alien to one's nature or one's customary behavior

My passions:

The arts; drawing sketching, painting, sewing, designing, photography, I ALWAYS have my camera with me. Art is my one true passion in my life.

Music - I cannot image my world without it. I have been influenced by music since birth really.

Traveling - I love going to new places, meeting new people and learning about new cultures.

Problem solving - I truly enjoy finding solutions to problems, be it in my design work or my every day life. 

Individuality - I love people who aren't afraid of what people are going to think of them and dance to their own tune.

Communicating - I enjoy connecting with people

Learning – I learn new things every day. I am passionate about getting out and seeing life and learning from others.

Living life to the fullest - taking in every moment 

Reading - I love a good science fiction or fantasy adventure and just let my imagination go.

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