The Total Beauty of Sustainable Products by Edwin Datschefki is a really good book with some really great information about the basic rules to go by when designing a product in order for it to be environmentally friendly.
This book goes by five basic rules of design: Cyclic, Solar, Safe, Efficient and Social.
I am still reading Green Design by Paul Burall and may keep it for some time. I am really getting some good information for my project. It covers reusing items, minimizing materials, using recycled materials, etcetera...
I added the following ,which I found useful information:
- Recycling reduces waste in the landfills and is far more energy efficient than making things from virgin sources. Recycling paper alone can cut energy in half compared to manufacture from trees; recycled glass uses a quarter of the energy of first-time glass and the energy of recycling aluminum is cut by 95%.
This book also covers product life and second uses for packaging once it has been used. For example, container jars that become drinking glasses. This where the problem comes in because many people find the second uses unattractive and not desirable by the consumer. -This is a problem I have to deal with when promoting my Trash to Treasures!!!
Looks like you've been busy! fantastic.
I'd like to know more about the second use of packaging example can you show some.
Blog looks good much easier to skim and select what you think is important. Really like the style of you as narrator.
Sounds like you've got some good feedback from talking to students on campus, haven't managed to read it all. As you are a made collector of info. I think it would be very useful to summaries you project. List areas you find interest or potential areas to put forward. Keep this to 10 not a 100. Then list what yu might develop. Remember you final solution needs to be clear and simple. You won't be able to find a solution that says everything and saves the world! just too big.
Really love your energy.
Thank you Amanda! I hope to add some images of my findings on campus regarding the recycling issues.
I just finished a proposal and will bring it to class tomorrow. I have two main ideas I want to pull together; recycling on campus and my Trash to Treasure theme.
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