Wednesday 29 October 2008

"Man is the only species capable of generating waste- things that no other life on earth wants to have." Gunter Pauli, Industrial Ecologist

I got up Tuesday morning, went in the kitchen, found my coffee cup, which was dirty, and went hunting for the scrubber to wash it (I mentioned in a prior posting that I saved the plastic mesh  wrapping from some fruit a roommate bought and have been using it to wash my pots and pans). 

Here, I will add the image.....

Well, the cleaning girl took it for rubbish, and yes she threw it away. Go figure! I guess what I see as a treasure she saw as garbage. Yes it is just a scrubber to me, but every little thing counts I think.
Can we change the way we see or consumption? 
Do we need more information about what we buy and how we can recycle it? 
If people were given more information will they use it or just waste it still because they don't have time to deal with that sort of thing?....

If there wasn't this thing called "global warming" and worries our our environment would we be bothering with all of this recycling at all?....

We all get up every morning, get dressed, have breakfast and brush our teeth, maybe not in that order, but we go through the steps nonetheless. We learned how to do these things without even much thought to it. They are habits we have created for ourselves. We need to think about changing our consumption habits in the same way and then make it a habit. 

Later that day another roommate came home from the grocer and bought corn with the same wrapping. Before she could throw it away I claimed it as my new treasure! AArrrrgg!! ;-)

1 comment:

NATKA said...

I was contacting my local surgery to know about the behavioral habits changes but they were not very helpful and said that this is too broad issue for them to know what to suggest.

I found a useful website as well: if you want to look at it.
I will search further.
Protect the scrubber!